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Getting Started


Feature overview

With kmos you can:

  • easily create and modify kMC models through GUI
  • store and exchange kMC models through XML
  • generate fast, platform independent, self-contained code [1]
  • run kMC models through GUI or python bindings

kmos has been developed in the context of first-principles based modelling of surface chemical reactions but might be of help for other types of kMC models as well.

kmos’ goal is to significantly reduce the time you need to implement and run a lattice kmc simulation. However it can not help you plan the model.

kmos can be invoked directly from the command line in one of the following ways:

kmos [help] (edit|export|view) [options]

or it may be used as an API via the kmos module.


[1]The source code is generated in Fortran90, written in a modular fashion. Python bindings are generated using f2py.

Installation on Ubuntu Linux

You can fetch the current version of kmos using git

git clone

and install it using setuptools

./ install [--user]

To use the core functionality (programmatic model setup, code generation, model execution) kmos has a fairly modest depedency foot-print. You will need

python-numpy, a Fortran compiler, python-lxml

In order to watch the model run on screen you will additionally need

python-matplotlib, python-ase

Finally in order to use all features, in particular the GUI model editor of kmos you have to install a number of dependencies. This should not be very difficult on a recent Linux distribution with package management. So on Ubuntu it suffices to call:

sudo apt-get install gazpacho gfortran python-dev \
                     python-glade2 python-kiwi python-lxml \
                     python-matplotlib python-numpy \

and if you haven’t already installed it, one way to fetch the atomic simulation environment (ASE) is currently to

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:campos-dev/campos
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-ase

Or go to their website to fetch the latest version.

If you think this dependency list hurts. Yes, it does! And I am happy about any suggestions how to minimize it. However one should note these dependencies are only required for the model development. Running a model has virtually no dependencies except for a Fortran compiler.

To ease the installation further on Ubuntu one can simply run:



add pip way or something alike to automatically install dependencies.

Installation on openSUSE 12.1 Linux

On a recent openSUSE some dependencies are distributed a little different but nevertheless doable. We start by install some package from the repositories

sudo zypper install libgfortran46, python-lxml, python-matplotlib, \
                    python-numpy, python-numpy-devel, python-goocanvas,

And two more packages SUSE packages have to be fetched from the openSUSE build service

For each one just download the *.tar.bz2 files. Unpack them and inside run

python install

In the same vein you can install ASE. Download a recent version from the DTU website unzip it and install it with

python install

Installation on windoze 7

In order for kmos to work in a recent windoze we need a number of programs.

  1. Python If you have no python previously installed you should try Enthought Python Distribution (EPD) in its free version since it already comes with a number of useful libraries such a numpy, scipy, ipython and matplotlib.

    Otherwise you can simply download Python from and this installation has been successfully tested using python 2.7.

  2. numpy Fetch it for your version of python from sourceforge’s Numpy site and install it. [Not needed with EPD ]

  3. MinGW provides free Fortran and C compilers and can be obtained from the sourceforge’s MinGW site . Make sure you make a tick for the Fortran and the C compiler.

  4. pyGTK is needed for the GUI frontend so fetch the `all-in-one <>`_ bundle installer and install most of it.

  5. lxml is an awesome library to process xml files, which has unfortunately not fully found its way into the standard library. As of this writing the latest version with prebuilt binaries is lxml 2.2.8 and installation works without troubles.

  6. ASE is needed for the representation of atoms in the frontend. So download the latest from the DTU website and install it. This has to be installed using e.g. the powershell. So after unpacking it, fire up the powershell, cd to the directory and run

    python install

    in there. Note that there is currently a slight glitch in the script on windoze, so open in a text editor and find the line saying

    version = ...

    comment out the lines above it and hard-code the current version number.

  7. kmos is finally what we are after, so download the latest version from github and install it in the same way as you installed ASE.

There are probably a number of small changes you have to make which are not described in this document. Please post questions and comments in the issues forum .

Installing JANAF Thermochemical Tables

You can conveniently use gas phase chemical potentials inserted in rate constant expressions using JANAF Thermochemical Tables. A couple of molecules are automatically supported. If you need support for more gas-phase species, drop me a line.

The tabulated values are not distributed since the terms of distribution do not permit this. Fortunately manual installation is easy. Just create a directory called janaf_data anywhere on your python path. To see the directories on your python path run

python -c"import sys; print(sys.path)"

Inside the janaf_data directory has to be a file named, so that python recognizes it as a module


Then copy all needed data files from the NIST website in the tab-delimited text format to the janaf_data directory.


test installation on other platforms


The Editor


The lattice view allows to define sites by simple pointing.


Model parameters can be defined including ranges to vary them over in the runtime viewer.


Species can be added here. The color is used to represent them in the 2D editor view. The string is an ASE atoms constructor for display at runtime.


Processes can be added by point and click or by entering a chemical expression.

The Runtime View


The compiled module can be run and watched in realtime. When parameters are changed this is immediately reflected in the rate constants.

A first kMC Model–the API way

In general there are two interfaces to defining a new model: A GUI and an API. While the GUI can be quite nice especially for beginners, it turns out that the API is better maintained simply because ... well, maintaing a GUI is a lot more work.

So we will start by learning how to setup the model using the API which will turn out not to be hard at all. It is knowing howto do this will also pay-off especially if you starting tinkering with your existing models and make little changes here and there.

Construct the model

We start by making the necessary import statements (in python or better ipython):

from kmos.types import *
from import *
import numpy as np

which imports all classes that make up a kMC project. The functions from will only be needed at the end to save the project or to export compilable code.

The example sketched out here leads you to a kMC model for CO adsorption and desorption on Pd(100) including a simple lateral interaction. Granted this hardly excites surface scientists but we need to start somewhere, right?

First you should instantiate a new project and fill in meta information

pt = Project()
pt.set_meta(author = 'Your Name',
            email = '',
            model_name = 'MyFirstModel',
            model_dimension = 2,)

Next you add some species or states. Note that whichever species you add first is the default species with which all sites in the system will be initialized. Of course this can be changed later

For surface science simulations it is useful to define an empty state, so we add


and some surface species. Given you want to simulate CO adsorption and desorption on a single crystal surface you would say


where the string passed as representation is a string representing a CO molecule which can be evaluated in ASE namespace.

Once you have all species declared is a good time to think about the geometry. To keep it simple we will stick with a simple-cubic lattice in 2D which could for example represent the (100) surface of a fcc crystal with only one adsorption site per unit cell. You start by giving your layer a name

layer = pt.add_layer(name='simple_cubic')

and adding a site

layer.sites.append(Site(name='hollow', pos='0.5 0.5 0.5',

Where pos is given in fractional coordinates, so this site will be in the center of the unit cell.

Simple, huh? Now you wonder where all the rest of the geometry went? For a simple reason: the geometric location of a site is meaningless from a kMC point of view. In order to solve the master equation none of the numerical coordinates of any lattice sites matter since the master equation is only defined in terms of states and transition between these. However to allow a graphical representation of the simulation one can add geometry as you have already done for the site. You set the size of the unit cell via

pt.lattice.cell = np.diag([3.5, 3.5, 10])

which are prototypical dimensions for a single-crystal surface in Angstrom.

Ok, let us see what we managed so far: you have a lattice with a site that can be either empty or occupied with CO.

Populate process list and parameter list

The remaining work is to populate the process list and the parameter list. The parameter list defines the parameters that can be used in the expressions of the rate constants. In principle one could do without the parameter list and simply hard code all parameters in the process list, however one looses some nifty functionality like easily changing parameters on-the-fly or even interactively.

A second benefit is that you achieve a clear separation of the kinetic model from the barrier input, which usually has a different origin.

In practice filling the parameter list and the process list is often an iterative process, however since we have a fairly short list, we can try to set all parameters at once.

First of all you want to define the external parameters to which our model is coupled. Here we use the temperature and the CO partial pressure:

pt.add_parameter(name='T', value=600., adjustable=True, min=400, max=800)
pt.add_parameter(name='p_CO', value=1., adjustable=True, min=1e-10, max=1.e2)

You can also set a default value and a minimum and maximum value set defines how the scrollbars a behave later in the runtime GUI.

To describe the adsorption rate constant you will need the area of the unit cell:

pt.add_parameter(name='A', value='(3.5*angstrom)**2')

Last but not least you need a binding energy of the particle on the surface. Since without further ado we have no value for the gas phase chemical potential, we’ll just call it deltaG and keep it adjustable

pt.add_parameter(name='deltaG', value='-0.5', adjustable=True,
                           min=-1.3, max=0.3)

To define processes we first need a coordinate [3]

coord = pt.lattice.generate_coord('hollow.(0,0,0).simple_cubic')

Then you need to have at least two processes. A process or elementary step in kMC means that a certain local configuration must be given so that something can happen at a certain rate constant. In the framework here this is phrased in terms of ‘conditions’ and ‘actions’. [2] So for example an adsorption requires at least one site to be empty (condition). Then this site can be occupied by CO (action) with a rate constant. Written down in code this looks as follows

               conditions=[Condition(coord=coord, species='empty')],
               actions=[Action(coord=coord, species='CO')],

Now you might wonder, how come we can simply use m_CO and beta and such. Well, that is because the evaluator will to some trickery to resolve such terms. So beta will be first be translated into 1/(kboltzmann*T) and as long as you have set a parameter T before, this will go through. Same is true for m_CO, here the atomic masses are looked up and added. Note that we need conversion factors of bar and umass.

Then the desorption process is almost the same, except the reverse:

               conditions=[Condition(coord=coord, species='CO')],
               actions=[Action(coord=coord, species='empty')],

To reduce typing, kmos also knows a shorthand notation for processes. In order to produce the same process you could also type

pt.parse_process('CO_desorption; CO@hollow->empty@hollow ; p_CO*bar*A/sqrt(2*pi*umass*m_CO/beta)*exp(beta*deltaG*eV)')

and since any non-existing on either the left or the right side of the -> symbol is replaced by a corresponding term with the default_species (in this case empty) you could as well type

pt.parse_process('CO_desorption; CO@hollow->; p_CO*bar*A/sqrt(2*pi*umass*m_CO/beta)*exp(beta*deltaG*eV)')

and to make it even shorter you can parse and add the process on one line

pt.parse_and_add_process('CO_desorption; CO@hollow->; p_CO*bar*A/sqrt(2*pi*umass*m_CO/beta)*exp(beta*deltaG*eV)')

In order to add processes on more than one site possible spanning across unit cells, there is a shorthand as well. The full-fledged syntax for each coordinate is


check Manual generation for details.

Export, save, compile

Next, it’s a good idea to save your work

pt.filename = 'myfirst_kmc.xml'

Now is the time to leave the python shell. In the current directory you should see a myfirst_kmc.xml. This XML file contains the full definition of your model and you can create the source code and binaries in just one line. So on the command line in the same directory as the XML file you run

kmos export myfirst_kmc.xml

Make sure this finishes gracefully without any line containining an error.

If you now cd to that folder myfirst_kmc and run:

kmos view

... and dada! Your first running kMC model right there!

If you wonder why the CO molecules are basically just dangling there in mid-air that is because you have no background setup, yet. Choose a transition metal of your choice and add it to the lattice setup for extra credit :-).

Taking it home

Despite its simplicity you have now seen all elements needed to implement a kMC model and hopefully gotten a first feeling for the workflow.

[2]You will have to describe all processes in terms of conditions and actions and you find a more complete description in the topic guide to the process description syntax.
[3]The description of coordinates follows the simple syntax of the coordinate syntax and the topic guide explains how that works.

A first kMC Model–the GUI way

This tutorial will walk you through the creation of a simple adsorption/desorption model on a simple cubic surface. Despite its simplicity it touches all elements contained in the GUI and could be considered from first-principles.


describe modelling more complicated structures and e.g. boundary conditions

Running the Model–the GUI way

After successfully exporting and compiling a model you get two files: and These two files are really all you need for simulations. So a simple way to view the model is the

kmos view

command from the command line. For this two work you need to be in the same directory as these two file (more precisely these two files need to be in the python import path) and you should see an instance of your model running. This feature can be quite useful to quickly obtain an intuitive understanding of the model at hand. A lot of settings can be changed through the such as rate constant or parameters. To be even more interactive you can set a parameter to be adjustable. This can happen either in the generating XML file or directly in the Also make sure to set sensible minimum and maximum values.

How To Prepare a Model and Run It Interactively

If you want to prepare a model in a certain way (parameters, size, configuration) and then run it interactively from there, there is in easy way, too. Just write a little python script. The with-statement is nice because it takes care of the correct allocation and deallocation

#!/usr/bin/env python

from import KMC_Model
from kmos.view import main

with KMC_Model(print_rates=False, banner=False) as model:
  model.settings.simulation_size = 5

with KMC_Model(print_rates=False, banner=False) as model:
    # one or more changes to the model
    # ...

Running the Model–the API way

In order to analyze a model in quantitatively it is more practical to write small client scripts that directly talk to the runtime API. As time passes and more of these scripts are written over and over some standard functionality will likely be integrated into the runtime API. For starters a simple script could look as follows

#!/usr/bin/env python

from import KMC_Model

model = KMC_Model()

As you can see by default the model prints a disclaimer and all rate constants, which can each be turned off by instantiating

model = KMC_Model(print_rates=False, banner=False)

The most important method is of course how to run the model, which you can do by saying


which would run the model by 100,000 kMC steps.

Let’s say you want to change the temperature and a partial pressure of the model you could type

model.parameters.T = 550
model.parameters.p_COgas = 0.5

and all rate constants are instantly updated. In order get a quick overview of the current settings you can issue e.g.


or just


Now an instantiated und configured model has mainly two functions: run kMC steps and report its current configuration.

To analyze the current state you may use

atoms = model.get_atoms()


If you want to fetch data from the current state without actually visualizing the geometry can speed up the get_atoms() call using

atoms = model.get_atoms(geometry=False)

This will return an ASE atoms object of the current system, but it also contains some additional data piggy-backed such as




These quantities are often sufficient when running and simulating a catalyst surface, but of course the model could be expanded to more observables. The Fortran modules base, lattice, and proclist are atttributes of the model instance so, please feel free to explore the model instance e.g. using ipython and



The occupation is a 2-dimensional array which contains the occupation for each surface site divided by the number of unit cell. The first slot denotes the species and the second slot denotes the surface site, i.e.

occupation[species, site-1]

So given there is a hydrogen species in the model, the occupation of hydrogen across all site type can be accessed like

hydrogen_occupation = occupation[model.proclist.hydrogen]

To access the coverage of one surface site, we have to remember to subtract 1, when using the the builtin constants, like so

hollow_occupation = occupation[:, model.lattice.hollow-1]

Lastly it is important to call


once the simulation if finished as this frees the memory allocated by the Fortan modules. This is particularly necessary if you want to run more than one simulation in one script.

Manipulating the Model at Runtime

It is quite easy to change not only model parameters but also the configuration at runtime. For instance if one would like to prepare a surface with a certain configuration or pattern.

Given you instantiated a model instance a site occupation can be changed by calling

model.put(site=[x,y,z,n], model.proclist.<species>)

However if changing many sites at once this is quite inefficient, since each put call, adjusts the book-keeping database. To circumvent this you can use the _put method, like so


though at the end one must not forget to call _adjust_database() before executing any next step or the database of available processes is inaccurate and the model instance will crash soon.

You can also get or set the whole configuration of the lattice at once using

config = model._get_configuration()
# possible change config

Running models in parallel

Due to the global clock in kMC there seems to be no simple and efficient way to parallelize a kMC program. kmos certainly cannot parallelize a single system over processors. However one can run several kmos instances in parallel which might accelerate sampling or efficiently check for steady state conditions.

However in many applications it is still useful to run several models seperately at once, for example to scan some set of parameters one a multicore computer. This kind of problem can be considered embarrasingly parallel since it requires no communication between the runs.

This is made very simple through the multiprocessing module, which is in the Python standard library since version 2.6. For older versions this needs to be downloaded <> and installed manually. The latter is pretty straightforward.

Then besides kmos we need to import multiprocessing

from multiprocessing import Process
from numpy import linspace
from import KMC_Model

and let’s say you wanted to scan a range of temperature, while keeping all other parameteres constant. You first define a function, that takes a set of temperatures and runs the simulation for each

def run_temperatures(temperatures):
    for T in temperatures:
        model = KMC_Model()
        model.parameters.T = T

        # do some evaluation


In order to split our full range of input parameters, we can use a utility function

from kmos.utils import split_sequence

All that is left to do, is to define the input parameters, split the list and start subprocesses for each sublist

if __name__ == '__main__':
    temperatures = linspace(300, 600, 50)
    nproc = 8
    for temperatures in split_sequence(temperatures, nproc):
        p = Process(target=run_temperatures, args=(temperatures, ))


Contributions of any sort are of course quite welcome. Patches and comments are ideally sent in form of email, pull request, or github issues.

To make synergizing a most pleasing experience I suggest you use git, nose, pep8, and pylint

sudo apt-get install git python-nose pep8 pylint

When sending a patch please make sure the nose tests pass, i.e. run from the top project directory


Furthermore run

pep8 <filename>

Thank you.