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How to navigate directories faster with bash

Changing directories is an extremely frequent activity during my everyday work as a knowledge worker running calculations, analyzing data, and developing code from the terminal. In fact, changing directories is the basic mode of operation to walk between different tasks, context, or work spaces.

When I first started using the terminal the only command I knew was cd but throughout the years I noticed that there is a lot more under the hood of bash that significantly reduces the time needed to change directories. Below I share five tricks I use frequently to jump between directories. They not only help me to move faster but also reduces the cognitive load of remembering long subdirectories.

Furthermore, I use all tricks together for maximum efficiency and I hope they make you more productive, too.

Max Out cd

This tip focuses solely on using all capabilities of the cd command. The most common form of using cd is

cd directory

where directory can be either a ./relative or an /absolute path. Also quite well-known is that .. is an alias for the directory above the current directory, ../.. the one above that and so on. Maybe less well-known is that ~ is an alias for one’s home directory. However an even faster way to go there directly is to skip the directory argument and just use


Furthermore - is an alias for the previous directory. So cd - is like a back-button for cd that works for exactly one step in the history. Using cd - repeatedly toggles between two directories.

I also find it useful to alias cd .. like

alias ..="cd .."

and there is no reason to stop there, so adding

alias ..="cd .."
alias ...="cd ../.."
alias ....="cd ../../.."
alias .....="cd ../../../.."
alias ......="cd ../../../../.."
alias .......="cd ../../../../../.."
alias ........="cd ../../../../../../.."
alias .........="cd ../../../../../../../.."
alias ..........="cd ../../../../../../../../.."
alias ...........="cd ../../../../../../../../../.."
alias ............="cd ../../../../../../../../../../.."
alias .............="cd ../../../../../../../../../../../.."

can bring you up many more directories by just adding dots (…) :-).

Another neat short hand is !$ which is an alias for the last argument of the previous command. This can be handy if one creates a new directory and wants to change into it without typing the the directory again. So commands would be

mkdir -p make/new/directory
cd !$

and you are there.


Configure $CDPATH to your workflow

The next tip is efficient use of the CDPATH variable. Almost everyone using a shell is familiar with the importance of the PATH variable. The PATH variable means that whenever one enters a command the shell will look up the directories listed in the PATH, search for executable files and then executes the first executable it finds named command in the order listed in PATH.

So there is a closely related variable named CDPATH which is the analog for cd. When you enter

cd directory

cd will search all directories listed in CDPATH and jump to the first directory it finds in the order listed in CDPATH. The default setting is CDPATH=., which means cd only searches the current working directory. But there is no reason to stop where. My ~/.bashrc contains export CDPATH=.:~:~/src:~/calculations:~/ssh_mounts

With this line I can always directly jump directly to any directory below the current directory, the home directory, a directory named src for software projects, a directory for calculations, and a directory named ssh_mounts that may link to other servers linked via the sshfs program.

This helps to keep directories for different types of activities apart while also allowing for quick changes between them. It is more powerful if one has only one ~/.bashrc for all user accounts and synchronizes it using e.g. git, and bash completion

if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
  . /etc/bash_completion
elif [ -f /opt/local/etc/profile.d/ ]; then
  . /opt/local/etc/profile.d/

Another neat bash option is

shopt -s cdspell

which automatically corrects small typos in directory names and jumps to the best guess of existing directories. Or

complete -d cd

which causes tab-completion after typing cd to only suggest directories.


Turbo-charge cd with pushd/popd

Another command less well known than cd is pushd and popd. pushd stands for push directory and it changes the current working directory but also pushes the directory that one left onto a history stack. popd on the other hand stands for pop directory which pops the last visited directory from the history stack. The command dirs lists the directories currently stacked on the history. So for example

pushd a
pushd b
pushd c

brings you to directory b.

pushd and popd are two really great commands and they are hugely useful in scripts to cleanly enter and exit directories in shell-scripts. The only question is why there are so many characters to type and why cd doesn’t have that feature built in. To fix this put the following two functions into your ~/.bashrc which overrides cd:

function cd() {
  if [ "$#" = "0" ]
  pushd ${HOME} > /dev/null
  elif [ -f "${1}" ]
    ${EDITOR} ${1}
  pushd "$1" > /dev/null

function bd(){
  if [ "$#" = "0" ]
    popd > /dev/null
    for i in $(seq ${1})
      popd > /dev/null

Extra bells and whistles in those function are

You can still use dirs to list the history and adjust the function above to your taste.


lf = latest file

When I type ls to inspect to contents of the current directory and decide if want to move to one of the subdirectories: why do I have to type it again (or at least enough for Tab completion to work), even though the directory name is already on the screen? This is the idea behind aliases like

alias lln="ls -lhtr  --time-style long-iso | tac | cat -n | tac | sed -s 's/^\s*\([0-9]*\)\s*\(.*\)/[\1]  \2 [\1]/'g && pwd"
function lf() {
    if [ "x${1}" == "x" ]
    ls -rt1 | tail -n ${n} | head -n 1

Now, typing lln will show the contents of the current directory ordered by time with the latest file at the bottom. But you will also notice that each line is flanked by an index starting with the latest file at 1. Now typing

lf 1

or lf (1 is the default argument) will produce the filename assigned to the index one. If this is a directory, I can issue cd $(lf 1) to change into the latest directory. Of course, I can combine lf with any other command, like e.g.

vi $(lf 3)


python $(lf 5)

You get the picture.


Jump more efficiently into the history

The last tip aims for faster retrieval of commands from history. Usually, the up-arrow jumps to the previous command in the history. However this quickly becomes very tedious if one jumps 5 or 10 or more commands back in history. Instead if you put

bind '"\e[A":history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[B":history-search-forward'

into your /.bashrc and start typing part of a command it will only jump to those commands in the history which start with the same fragment of a command. This is useful for any command line work and you may already know if from e.g. IPython but it is also useful for cd. So

cd <up-arrow><up-arrow> ...

let’s you quickly navigate through previous cd commands.
